Welcome to the Spotlight section of the website. Here you’ll find resources to aid teaching the Bible to children ages 5-11.
Spotlight Resources
Here you can download a booklet of Easter resources for families with young children to use. The booklet goes through what Jesus did and what happened during the week leading up to Easter Sunday. For each day there is a Bible passage from Luke’s Gospel and a craft activity. Feel free to download the booklet and share with other families. Click here to download the booklet. There is also a separate Palm Sunday colouring sheet which you can download by clicking here.

The resources posted in this section are based on a series of Bible studies for children, put together by St. Helen’s Bishopsgate (https://www.st-helens.org.uk/). The series is called ‘God’s Big Amazing Plan’ and we’ve adapted a few of the sessions into videos for Sunday School and put together some crafts and colouring sheets to aid the study. To download the printable resources click on the words in orange corresponding to what you’d like to download for each week e.g. colouring sheet.
Week 1:
To start off the series in Ephesians we looked at Ephesians 1v1-14, in these verses we see Paul praising God for all He has done and all He has planned to do!
For this week you can download a colouring sheet and a word search related to the passage.

Week 2:
For Week 2 in Ephesians we continued to look at Ephesians 1v1-14 and how God carries out His plan through Jesus.
Here you can download the colouring sheet and unscramble the words activity sheet for week 2.

Week 3:
For week 3 of our series in Ephesians, we looked at Ephesians 1v1-14 and how we get to be a part of God’s plan too thanks to God’s blessings through Jesus! Here you can download a bookmark colouring sheet and a memory verse scavenger hunt.

Week 4:
We looked at Ephesians 1v15-19a and how we need God to reveal to us His plan so that we can get to know Him better. Here you can download the glasses craft for this week and you’ll find a video to aid the study.

Week 5:
We looked at Ephesians 1v19b-23 and how God has placed all things under Jesus’ feet!
Here you can download a Colouring sheet as well as a prayer spinner craft layout and instructions for the craft.

Week 6:
For week 6 we looked at Ephesians 2v1-10, where we see how God has saved us through His grace shown through Jesus’ death on the cross! This isn’t by anything we have done, but through having faith in what God has done.Here you can download this week’s colouring sheet as well as a storyboard drawing task.

Week 7:
For week 7 we looked at Ephesians 2v11-22 and how through God’s grace we get to be a part of God’s family. We no longer have to be strangers to God or His people! Here you can download the colouring sheet for this week and watch a video to aid the study.

Week 8:
For week 8 of our series in Ephesians we looked at Ephesians 3v1-13. In these verses Paul tells us that the mystery of God’s plan is being revealed and we can know all about it!
Here you’ll find a colouring sheet as well as a box craft template, also instructions for the craft and some memory verses to go along with it. You can download these by clicking the orange text.

Week 9:
In this week’s passage (Ephesians 3v14-21) we looked at how wide and long and high and deep Jesus’ love for us is! This love is shown in all Jesus has done in carrying out God’s plan.
Here you’ll find a colouring sheet for this passage as well as a video to aid the study.

Week 10:
For week 10 we looked at Ephesians 4v1-6 and how knowing all about what God has done should affect how we live! Here you’ll find a colouring sheet for the passage as well as a paper chain craft.

Week 11:
For week 11 of our Ephesians series, we looked at Ephesians 4v7-16. In this passage we hear about how being part of God’s family means we should share with people what God has done, speaking about His plan to others!
Here you’ll be able to download a colouring sheet as well as a memory verse puzzle, which you can cut out and let your child put back together in the correct order.

Week 12:
For week 12 we looked at Ephesians 4v17-5v2. In these verses we see how now that we know God’s plan, we should live a life that helps share God’s plan with others. This is done by taking off our old way of life and putting on the new way of life by loving others and living to be more like Jesus. Here you’ll find a colouring sheet, as well as a paper doll craft to help remember the message of this week’s passage.

Week 13:
For week 13 we looked at Ephesians 5v3-14. In these verses we see how when we trust in Jesus we will stand out like a light in darkness – we should live like lights as described in the passage, by taking off the old lives and putting on new loving ones!
Here you’ll find a colouring sheet as well as a light silhouette craft.

Week 14:
For week 14 we looked at Ephesians 5v15-6v9 and saw how we can show other people God’s plan through the way we live. One way children can do this is by obeying their parents.Here you can download a colouring sheet for this week as well as watch a video to aid the study.

Week 15:
For week 15 we looked at Ephesians 6v10-24, where we look at how Jesus gives us the armour of God and helps us to stand firm against the lies of the devil. Here you can download a colouring sheet and watch a video to aid the study – there is also an experiment you can do at home too, mentioned in the video.

‘Meals With Jesus’ is a series of resources for Sunday School put together by Faith In Kids, you can find their resources on their website, including colouring sheets and craft activities: https://faithinkids.org/resources/app/resource/174/title/meals-with-jesus
We’ve adapted their ‘Meals With Jesus’ series into videos in order to aid the studies when doing Sunday school from home. The series follows Luke’s gospel and the meals Jesus had with people – from tax collectors to Pharisees. And through these meals we learn who Jesus is, why He has come and what He has come to do; as well as what the magnificent news of the gospel means for us!
Week 1:
In the video for Week 1 we look at Luke 5:27-32, and we see Jesus have lunch at Levi’s, this story tells us that Jesus has come to save sinners and that we all need Jesus’ forgiveness.
Week 2:
In the video for Week 2 we read about Jesus having Supper at Simon’s in Luke 7v36-50, and learn that we all need Jesus’ forgiveness and His forgiveness brings love and thankfulness.
Week 3:
For week 3 we’re looking at The Feeding of The Five Thousand in Luke 9:10-17, and how Jesus is God who satisfies all our needs!
Week 4:
This week we’re looking at when Jesus has a meal with Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42 and how we need to listen to Jesus because His words are more important than anything else!
Week 5:
This week we see Jesus have a meal with a Pharisee and we learn Jesus is kind and always puts others first! (Luke 14:1-11)
Week 6:
This week we see Jesus have a meal with Zacchaeus and learn that Jesus came to look for and save sinners! (Luke 19:1-10)
In this section of videos we have adapted the On The Way resources created by TnT ministries. We will be going through a Bible Overview, looking at the big picture of the Bible and God’s plan for the world. We’ll see how the Bible points us to Jesus and how God saves us from sin and death through Jesus’ death on the cross.
Week 1 – Creation
For the first video we’re starting at the beginning of the Bible and looking at the creation story found in Genesis chapter 1 and 2, and here we see that God created everything as good.
Week 2 – The Fall
For the second video in the Bible Overview, we’re looking at what happened to God’s good creation and how sin came into the world, and what that means for us. We’ll also get a glimpse of God’s rescue plan from sin through Jesus.
Week 3 – The Flood
For the third video in the Bible Overview Series we’re looking at the Flood and how God punishes sin, but also provides a rescue plan for those who trust in Him! You can find the passage in Genesis 6v5-8v22.
Week 4 – God Calls
For the fourth video in the Bible Overview Series we’re looking at how God chooses people to call and makes big promises to them, not because of their goodness, but because of God’s love. We find this in Genesis chapter 11v27-12v9.
Week 5 – Lot’s Choice
For the fifth video in the Bible Overview Series, we’re looking at the importance of turning to God when making decisions! We see how Abraham trusted the Lord’s guidance, whereas Lot trusted in what he saw on the surface. We can find today’s passage in Genesis 13v1-18.
Week 6 – God Keeps His Promises
For the sixth video in the Bible Overview Series, we’re looking at how God keeps His promises! We see how God gave Abraham and Sarah a son called Isaac, even though it seemed impossible! We can find today’s passage in Genesis 17v1-8, 18v1-16 and 21v1-8.
Week 7 – God Cares
For the seventh video in the Bible Overview Series, we’re looking at how God cares for His people! We see how God shows His love for His people by providing for them when everything looks hopeless! We can find today’s passage in Genesis 21v9-21.
Week 8 – God Provides
For the eighth video in the Bible Overview Series we see how God provides. We’ll be learning about how Abraham showed his faith in God by doing what God says even when it’s scary! The passage can be found in Genesis 22:1-19.
Week 9 – God Guides
For the ninth video in the Bible Overview Series, we see how God Guides. We’ll be learning about how God guided Abraham’s servant to find a wife for Isaac in order to fulfil the promises He had made! The passage can be found in Genesis 24.
Week 10 – Deceiving
For the tenth video in the Bible Overview Series we see how lying and being selfish displeases God. We’ll be learning about Jacob and Esau and how despite their lies and deception, God still keeps His promises.The passage can be found in Genesis 25:19-34 and 26:34-27:41.
Week 11 – Jacob’s Dream
For the eleventh video in the Bible Overview Series, we hear about Jacob’s dream. We’ll be learning about how God doesn’t change and how He continues to keep His promises.The passage can be found in Genesis 27v42-28v22.