Welcome to the Preschool section of the Christ Church website. Here you’ll find resources and videos that will help explore the Bible with children age 5 and under.
Welcome to the Preschool section of the Youth Page. Here you’ll find resources and videos that will help you explore the Bible with children age 4 and under.
For our preschool and toddler group we’ve put together a video series telling and explaining ‘Stories Jesus Told’. Sharing all about the different parables Jesus told in the New Testament. Feel free to watch and share the videos with people you know.

In the first video of the series, we look at Luke 15v4-7 and what Jesus was talking about when He told the parable of ‘The Lost Sheep’. This parable shows how much Jesus wants everyone to know Him!
The second video of the series tells the story of The Lost Coin from Luke 15v8-10. This parable shows us how happy Jesus is when someone turns to Him and becomes His friend.
In the third video of the series we look at the parable of the wise and foolish builders – from Matthew 7v24-29 and Luke 6v46-49. This parable teaches us about the importance of building your life on Jesus.
In the fourth video of the series we hear about the parable of the pearl found in Matthew 13v45-46. The parable tells us about how Jesus gave up everything to save us, and how Jesus is the most precious and important person in our lives!
In the 5th video of the series we hear the parable of the Lost Son found in (Luke 15v11-32). This story tells us all about how Jesus loves to forgive, and welcomes us into His family with open arms.
Welcome to a new series: ‘What was it like to be with Jesus?’
In this series we’ll be looking at how Jesus impacted, the disciple, Peter’s life.
In the first video we hear the story of Jesus calling His first disciples and how he changed their lives, you can find this story in Matthew 4:18-22.
Here is the second video in the series: ‘What was it like to be with Jesus?’
Today we hear the story of Jesus walking on water and how what He does shows us that He is the Son of God (Matthew 14:22-36).
In the third video of the series we learn that Peter knows who Jesus is. And today we hear who Jesus is – that He is God’s chosen King! (Matthew 16:13-20, Mark 8:27-30, Luke 9:18-20).
Here is the fourth video in the series: ‘What was it like to be with Jesus?’
Today we learn that Jesus died on the cross to rescue us from sin and He calls us to remember this through the Lord’s Supper! (Found in Luke 22:14-20, Matthew 26, Mark 14 and John 13)
Here is the fifth video in the series: ‘What was it like to be with Jesus?’
Today we learn how Jesus died on the cross to save sinners! (Found in Matthew 26-28)
Here is the sixth and final video in the series: ‘What was it like to be with Jesus?’
Today we learn how Jesus rose from the dead to show us He defeated sin and death! (Found in Luke 24)